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An Apology To My Body

An Apology To My Body

Real Life Client Stories


One of our clients, we will refer to her as Fallen, shared her deeply raw, moving and painful story with us this week and kindly gave us permission to share it with you. This is not only a story of her painful past, but a story of a client using her passion of creative writing to share her self-awareness, express emotions, and take you on her personal journey from darkness into light.   



A sorry letter to my body


By The Fallen

19th February 2019.


Dear body
     I have always lived in fear and the consequences of it. I always judged you. The way you looked in the mirror and my idea of your distorted image. Things were never perfect for me. The way your nose looked a little too wide and the lips looked a little too big than the others. You were thin and I despised you for my shattering confidence. You had scars all over  and I hated you for how you couldn’t heal those marks for years. I took you to be the villain destroying every ounce of my self-esteem. Eye contacts were tough for me, they still are. I was called ugly and I blamed you. We grew together in this constant hate relationship until I started feeling like a walking mess. I remember how your knees trembled at the thought of going to your college canteen because people could see. How I starved you for days, until stomach started paining. How I would take every taunt like the only thing you deserved. I was a bad master and you were a loyal slave, I thought. I remember the day I took blade in my hands and cut that skin which felt like tearing open an already injured wound. It pained a lot. Yet I kept urging the blade to run deep.
      You sent million signals to stop but I denied every signal until I looked at the blood oozing and felt proud of myself. Blood was dark brown and so was the wound I had given to me. The pain was like million needles piercing. I remember I would press the wound hard enough to give myself more pain. It is suffice to say that you cried tears of blood as I rejoiced. I wanted to tell you and the world that I was suffering. And i was suffering hard. I wanted to tell everyone that I needed love, that I had forgotten how to love myself as they kept lecturing me about how nobody could save me unless i did. I was in dire need of help. I wanted someone to save me because I couldn’t do that to myself. How could I? They taught me about self love when I was lying in the chasm of self hatred. They denied help but you stood strong. Even when I would lie on bed for weeks, you stood strong to take uo my every beating. 
        I was suffering but you suffered more than me. Those scars have healed now because you didn’t want them as memoirs to bad phase of my life. You wanted us to move on. At times I felt angry at you for snatching away the only thing that mattered to me, my scars. I still look at my arms and find no trace of them. You acted like Maa who wanted to hide anything bad from me. You acted like my younger sister who would check arm every day to see if a new scar was added. She learnt how addition and subtraction sometimes had dire implications. She knew  mathematics was not just the algebra, it was sometimes the need for life. Now she loves subtraction  more than addition, for how my scars have reduced to zero, her favourite number.
        Those nails which I dug deep into your skin, I still feel the pain of, sometimes. I wanted to rip open my flesh and take the misery out of you that run deep in our veins. I was angry, at you, me, maa, papa, family and the world. Friends left us with the facade of promises that couldn’t even stay true for a day. With them left our trust and faith, and now I stilk struggle to believe on love. I feared I was becoming the ocean where I wanted to drown you because I knew you couldn’t swim. I talked to toxic people until I was so hurt that I wanted to kill you and me. I searched for hurt like a muskdeer, like a symbiosis was there between me and the sadness. There still is. I still want to make my body a canvas colored with red. I still want to eat pain and hurt like three meals a day. I have fallen for pain like a stockholm syndrome. 
         But I want you to forgive me. I want to thank you for staying true to me even on the days we both cried, you with blood and I, with tears. To the hands, who held me when nobody did. To the feet, who dragged me to live one more day. To the heart which kept beating even on the days I tried to stop breathing. To the lungs which were filled with my muffled cries and sighs. To the eyes which were filled with pain but still decided to see hope in the next morning sun. To the ears whom I forced to hear bad about me to hurt myself, but the inner subtle voice never stopped from saying,”one more try”. To the stomach I starved yet kept me surviving. To the fences I broke and knew there was a heaven inside me and out. To the shame and guilt I am learning to let go for being a woman. 
        To you, for being. In the worst, in the best. Even though my face has scars still, I am lean, my teeth protruded and my smile somewhat imperfect, I choose to love you.  And I may not try though but I want to love me too.


Yours and proudly yours.


An abuser who learnt her mistakes too late.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

A Guide to Body Dysmorphia, an Emotionally Painful Obsession – BDD

Article by:

  • Arnold Lieber, MD

What is It?

We all have that one imperfection we wish we could change – a crooked tooth, a large nose, acne-prone skin, eyes that are too narrow, a flabby stomach, and the list goes on. However, we accept it and carry on with our daily lives – it’s more of an annoyance than a debilitating thought. If you suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), you become fixated on that imperfection – obsessed, really – until it becomes the only thing you see when you look in the mirror. These obsessive and controlling thoughts can lead you to spend exorbitant amounts of time trying to cover or conceal the flaw, to seek verbal approval of your looks, even though you are not likely to believe what people tell you, to socially withdraw, and to have thoughts of suicide.

Body dysmorphic disorder, also known as dysmorphophobia, is a common affliction, affecting approximately 1.7% to 2.4% of the population, with roughly equal distribution among men and women. The disorder usually first surfaces in adolescence and is characterized not only by obsessive thinking about a flaw that is usually imagined or if present, hardly noticeable to the general population, but also characterized by compulsive checking of the perceived flaw (for example, spending lots of time in front of the mirror), engaging in behaviors to minimize the appearance of the perceived flaw (i.e., covering it up with makeup or an article of clothing), and hiding the disorder from others due to fear of social stigma. Whereas most individuals might be annoyed by a real or imagined physical imperfection, if you are suffering from body dysmorphic disorder, you are likely spending hours and hours a day obsessing over it, taking excessive precautions to hide from others (i.e., social isolation) so others will not notice the perceived flaw, exercising excessively, and even undergoing drastic plastic surgery to try to “fix” the flaw, usually with non-satisfactory results. The most common places you are likely to perceive a flaw if you are suffering from BDD is your hair, skin, stomach, nose, or chest. Although the most common, this list is not exhaustive and a perceived flaw can happen anywhere on the body.

Body dysmorphic disorder is similar to both obsessive-compulsive disorder and eating disorders, but presents itself slightly differently. If you have an eating disorder, you are preoccupied by your overall weight and body shape, where if you suffer from body dysmorphic disorder, you are preoccupied with one specific body part. With obsessive-compulsive disorder, you may suffer from recurrent thoughts, fears, or images you have no control over. The anxiety that results from these thoughts usually leads to the performance of rituals or routines (known as compulsions). When you have BDD, the obsession with the perceived flaw or defect leads to ritualistic behaviors (e.g., skin picking) and the obsession over the flaw leads to social, work, or home functioning impairment. One study found that 24% of individuals with BDD also suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What are the Symptoms?

There are many signs and symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder – and they widely vary from person to person. As mentioned above, if you are suffering from BDD, you likely spend an excessive amount of time obsessing over a perceived flaw on a specific body part. Then, compulsively exhibit any number of behaviors to try to rid yourself of the defect.

If you are experiencing BDD, some of the most common body parts that you may fixate on are:

  • Moles and freckles (especially related to their size – too large or too noticeable)
  • Minor scars or aberrations
  • Acne
  • Facial and body hair
  • Too little hair on head (e.g., balding or hair thinning)
  • Size and shape of genitalia
  • Size of breasts
  • Muscle size (belief that the muscles are too small – also known as muscular dysmorphia)
  • Size, shape, and/or symmetry of the face or another body part

Individuals with BDD are likely to exhibit one or many of the following behaviors or compulsions:

  • Repetitive checking of a real or imagined flaw in the mirror
  • Avoidance of mirrors
  • Avoidance of having your picture taken
  • Repetitive grooming activities (e.g., combing hair, shaving)
  • Repetitive touching, checking, or measuring perceived flaw (minor or imagined)
  • Wearing excessive makeup or growing a beard to cover up perceived flaw (minor or imagined)
  • Wearing certain types of clothing (e.g., hats, scarves) to cover up perceived flaw (minor or imagined)
  • Making multiple doctor visits, especially to dermatologists
  • Undergoing multiple medical procedures (e.g., plastic surgeries) to try to eradicate or minimize the perceived flaw (minor or imagined) – usually resulting in unsatisfactory results
  • Frequent thoughts about your appearance (hours per day)
  • Repeatedly asking others for their verbal opinion of how you look (i.e., reassurance seeking) – not believing them when they say you look great
  • Compulsive skin picking, using fingernails or tweezer to remove unwanted hair or blemishes
  • Leaving the house less often or only going out at night to try to camouflage your appearance in the darkness
  • Keeping obsessions and compulsions secret for fear of social stigma
  • Emotional problems, including depression, feelings of disgust, low self-esteem, and anxiety
  • Avoidance of social situations
  • Belief that others take special notice of your perceived flaw in a negative way
  • Excessive exercise
  • Changing clothes frequently and excessively

How is it Diagnosed and What Causes It?

Unfortunately, body dysmorphic disorder is not high on many general practitioners’ and other clinicians’ radars and may go undiagnosed or unnoticed. This is especially true since most individuals with BDD hide their obsessions and compulsions from the general public so well. Often times, body dysmorphia is misdiagnosed as social phobia or major depressive disorder. One red flag though is repetitive plastic surgery for the same or multiple perceived physical defects. A trained clinician will diagnose BDD – beginning with a health history and a physical exam. If body dysmorphic disorder is suspected, you are likely to be sent to a mental health professional who will make a diagnosis based on his or her assessment of your attitude, behaviors, and symptoms.

So, you have been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder. You may be asking yourself, how did I end up with this? What caused it? All very good and likely questions. Mental health professionals and researchers have not found the one specific cause of BDD. But, they point out that like many other mental health disorders, it’s likely due to a number of causes. Brain differences, genes, and the environment are the likely culprits. Your risks of having to cope with BDD are heightened if you have biological relatives with BDD, experienced negative childhood situations (e.g., bullying or teasing), exhibit certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, experience societal pressures to be “pretty” or “beautiful,” and if you suffer from another psychiatric disorder, such as anxiety or depression.

How is it Treated?

The two most common treatment options for body dysmorphic disorder is medication and therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been found to be the most effective at treating BDD and a certain type of antidepressants have also been shown to help individuals coping with the disorder.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a coping technique that teaches individuals suffering from body dysmorphia how to recognize irrational thoughts and change negative thinking patterns. You then are instructed on how to take those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Exposure and response prevention are two key processes involved in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Exposure helps individuals experiencing BDD confront situations that cause irrational fear (e.g., going out in public with the perceived flaw uncovered). Response prevention teaches you how to resist the urge to cover up your perceived flaw with makeup or clothing, how to stop seeking reassurance from others about your appearance, and how to decrease time spent repeatedly checking your appearance.

Antidepressants, more specifically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can also be prescribed to individuals living with body dysmorphic disorder as they help relieve the obsessive and compulsive thoughts and behaviors associated with the disorder. These are effective, in part, because it is believed that a partial cause of body dysmorphia is due to problems related to the brain chemical serotonin. Your doctor may prescribe you a gradual dose of antidepressants to make sure you tolerate the medication and the potential side effects. In some situations, you may also be prescribed an antipsychotic drug in addition to an antidepressant, especially if you are experiencing delusions related to your BDD diagnosis.

To get the most out of treatment, be sure to do the following:

  • Don’t skip any therapy sessions, even if you don’t feel like talking
  • Take your medication as directed – even if you feel fine – there is a chance that your symptoms may return once you stop taking the medication and you could even experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking your medication suddenly
  • Educate yourself about your condition – learn all you can about the disorder and how it affects your body
  • Pay attention to warning signs and certain triggers that enhance your symptoms – speak about these with your therapist and doctor
  • Be more active – physical activity can help ease many of the symptoms associated with body dysmorphic disorder, including anxiety and depression
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol – they can interact with your medication and worsen mental illness symptoms
  • Don’t skip regular, routine health checkups


The Dangers Of Living Inside Your Head – And How To Get Out

The Dangers Of Living Inside Your Head – And How To Get Out

How often do you listen to that little voice inside your head?

You know the one – that little narrator that talks to you all day long?

You can probably actually hear it right now if you stop and listen for a second…

It tells you that you’re being too ridiculous, or dramatic, or picky, or too sensitive, or not sensitive enough… the voice that has an opinion on absolutely everything?

That voice can be great at times, it can even be a life saver!

But it can also be toxic.

When you live inside your head too much, you start to believe your own bullsh*t. 

You really are your own worst critic. And the danger is, sometimes you can start to honestly believe what you are thinking is true.

Sometimes you don’t realise just how much you are living inside your head.

I know this because I’ve been there…

Many years ago I convinced myself at a young age that because my Dad left my Mum that meant that any partner I would ever have would end up leaving me… Seriously…

Sounds silly right? But somehow my mind made it real.

I would actually end up jeopardising my relationships because I didn’t want them to leave me – so I left them first.

How stupid is that?!

But in my mind it was the truth.

It wasn’t until I ventured outside of my head and spoke to someone about it, actually opened up and sought another opinion, that I realised what I had been doing to myself for so many years.

I realised just how powerful my thoughts were.

So now I must ask you a question – “how positive is your relationship with the voice inside your head?”

Because we all have one – good or bad.

But what you need to pay attention to is how influential your inner voice is to you.

How does it influence your decisions?

Are you able to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s simply your inner-critic’s opinion?

When life gets you down, are you able to turn that negative voice inside your head into something positive?

Having lived with breathing problems and panic attacks over the last few years, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt – it’s that I have to deal with any frustration, anxiety, or bad feelings as they come, so they don’t start to fester and eat away at me slowly from the inside.

The longer I worry or dwell on any bad thoughts, the worse they seem to get.

So for a long time I wasn’t able to control the tone of the voice inside my head and I let it knock me around a lot.

“You can’t do this… they don’t like you… why would you even try you’re just going to fail…?”

Thoughts like this would constantly drift around inside my head until I truly started to believe them.

That’s the dangerous part… you start to believe your thoughts are real and not just mere thoughts, they become something they’re not – facts.

And once I started believing these negative ‘facts’ I would often go quiet (on the outside).

I wouldn’t share what was going on inside my mind with anyone because I genuinely thought that no one would want to hear it.

But please don’t let your mind do this to you.

I promise you, you can take back control of your thoughts and turn that voice inside your head into a positive influence.

It just takes a bit of practice, patience and self-control.

Any time I notice that the voice in my head is playing tricks on me again… I do the following:

Get it out
One of the reasons I write these blogs is to help others, but it turns out it also helps me by writing things down and getting thoughts out of my head.
Writing really is therapeutic.
If I’m really angry with someone but don’t know if I want to confront them about it, I’ll write them a letter with everything I want to say and then later decide if I still want to say it. At least then it is outside of my head. I’m the kind of person who lives in my head a lot, and often find that once I write down how I’m feeling, or what I’m thinking, it is never as bad as I thought.

Find something that makes you happy
I absolutely love music and you can often tell what kind of mood I’m in by what I’m listening to.
I’ve created a ‘happy’ playlist, and an ‘inspiring’ playlist to help pick me up when I’m not feeling the best.
I also love animals, so just being around them can instantly make me smile.

Replace any bad thoughts in your head with positive ones
I have to actually boss my brain sometimes – tell myself that I am in control of what goes on inside my head.
Don’t even approach bad thoughts.
Don’t try to rationalise them.
Don’t even think about them.
And definitely don’t dwell on them.
Any of the above is a passive reaction to the negative thought, hence making you feel the negative feelings that follow, which doesn’t help at all. So replace the bad thought on the spot.

Surround yourself with good people
Spending time with good friends or family who cheer me up is one of my favourite things to do when I’m upset.
I’m the kind of person that will always be there whenever someone needs to vent, and having people that will do the same for me in my life is truly one of the things I am most thankful for.

Focus on what you want in your life
What do you really want to achieve in your life?

I want to be successful.
I want the world to be better because I was here.
I want to make a difference in people’s lives.
When I think about what really drives me and what I’ve been put on this earth to do, I get really motivated and all the other stuff seems to become irrelevant.

At the end of the day, everyone has stuff to deal with.

We all have times when life gets difficult and we don’t understand why.

But when this happens, just breathe and remember it’s not the end of the world.

Your thoughts are not in control of you – you control them.

‘You are not your thoughts – you are the awareness behind them.’

Just remember that everything in this life is temporary (both the good and the bad) so the bad times won’t last forever and who knows what amazing opportunities lie ahead for you in your life.

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The power of love: how relationships benefit body and mind

The power of love: how relationships benefit body and mind

“All you need is love,” sang the Beatles. When one considers the widely documented health benefits of being in a happy relationship, they might have been on to something. In this spotlight, we take a look at the health reasons for celebrating being with someone.

Couple kissing.

Research has demonstrated a myriad of health benefits – physical, mental and emotional – associated with being in an affectionate relationship.

With Valentine’s Day approaching, many people fortunate enough to find themselves in relationships will be preparing for a day of celebration. The health conscious may look at boxes of chocolates and meals in restaurants warily, but it is worth remembering that outside of these indulgences, a wealth of health benefits have been identified for people in relationships.

Many will be aware that sex is a form of exercise, increasing the heart rate and reaching an average peak at orgasm comparable to forms of light exercise, such as walking upstairs. It is also fine for people with heart disease to have sex, so long as they can still do equivalent activities (such as walking up two flights of stairs) without experiencing chest pain.

Outside of this, though, several other health benefits arise from being in a relationship. And being in a loving relationship is not simply a bed of roses; different types of relationship have their own effects. We investigate.

Put a little love in your heart

The heart is one of the most conspicuous symbols of love, and perhaps it is unsurprising that love is associated both literally and figuratively with one the most important organs in the human body. With February being American Heart Month, it seems prudent to examine the less obvious benefits to the heart first.

Research has indicated that being in a satisfying relationship can lead to improved survival rates after coronary bypass surgery – an aggressive treatment for heart disease. The effects of satisfaction were reported to be just as important to survival as traditional risk factors, such as obesity and tobacco use.

This finding may have been due to happy relationships encouraging healthful behavior, such as quitting smoking and keeping fit.

Less active displays of intimacy than sex can also be beneficial to cardiovascular health. One study found that couples holding hands for 10 minutes followed by a 20-second hug had healthier reactions to a public speaking task than participants who merely rested quietly.

The couples that had brief warm social and physical contact exhibited lower heart rates, lower blood pressure and smaller increases in heart rate, with results comparable for men and women.

“These findings suggest that affectionate relationships with a supportive partner may contribute to lower reactivity to stressful life events,” write the authors. The implication from the study is that affectionate relationships could be related to better cardiovascular health.

Hypertension can be dangerous, leading to serious conditions including heart failurestroke and heart attack. Research has also found that it can increase the risk of cognitive decline later in life. However, lowering blood pressure is not the only aspect of being in a relationship that benefits cognitive functioning.

Always on your mind

Sex has also been found by researchers to improve mental health. A small study of 46 men and women suggested that like other forms of physical activity, sex reduces levels of stress.

Researchers conducted stress tests involving acts such as doing mental arithmetic out loud, finding that people who had sex coped better with stress than participants that had no sex at all.

A person’s sense of well-being can also be improved by sex. A much larger study of 3,000 people aged 57-85 demonstrated that those who were having sex rated their health much more favorablythan those who were not.

In this study, it was not just sex that led to improved well-being, but being in a satisfying relationship overall. The researchers found that participants in close relationships were more likely to report they were in “excellent” or “very good” health, rather than merely “good” or “poor.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, thinking positively in this manner could lead to further health benefits, including reductions in the risk of the following:

  • Common cold
  • Depression
  • Distress
  • Overall mortality.

Dr. Larry J. Young, of Emory University in Atlanta, GA, told Medical News Today that the benefits to health and well-being that come from being in a relationship are best understood from seeing what happens when a relationship is lost, either by death or splitting up:

“Loss of a loved one (e.g. spouse or romantic partner) leads to an increase in mortality, immune suppression, cardiovascular disease and depression.”

Love is not the same for everyone

It should be pointed out that no one seems to experience love in precisely the same way as everyone else. We are all drawn to different kinds of people and expect many different things from a relationship. It should not be surprising, for this reason, that the health implications of love also vary.

Happy affectionate couple hugging.

Could levels of affection and attachment style determine the health benefits couples receive from their relationship?

Recently, MNT reported on a study investigating the effects of attachment style on pain relief. Adult attachment style refers to patterns exhibited by individuals in relationships related to how they seek or avoid closeness.

Typically, the presence of a partner in a painful situation would be considered comforting and a relief, yet this was not the case for every participant in the research.

In a small study of 39 women, “moderately painful” laser pulses were administered to the participants’ fingers while their romantic partner was present and then absent. The authors found that the more women were avoidant of closeness in their relationships, the more pain they experienced when their partner was present.

The authors concluded that “partner presence may not have beneficial effects on the experience of pain when the individual in pain is characterized by higher attachment avoidance.” The presence of others may disrupt the preferred method of coping with “the threat value of pain” for such individuals.

For the women reporting high closeness with their partner, it may be oxytocin – a hormone sometimes referred to as “the love hormone” – that could be responsible for their experiencing reduced levels of pain.

Lead author Dr. Charlotte Krahé told MNT they believed that oxytocin might be part of a neurobiological mechanism involved in shaping the effects of interacting with close others on the pain experience.

Oxytocin has been associated by researchers with parts of the brain that are involved in emotional, cognitive and social behaviors. Acts of intimacy, such as sexual intercourse, holding hands and looking into another person’s eyes, stimulate the release of oxytocin in men and women. The hormone is produced in larger amounts in mothers when they are giving birth or nursing.

In an article published in Nature, Dr. Young suggests that long-term bonding between mates may be regulated by the same mechanisms as those involved in maternal bonding.

Oxytocin “interacts with the reward and reinforcement system driven by the neurotransmitter dopamine – the same circuitry that drugs such as nicotine, cocaine and heroin act on in humans to produce euphoria and addiction,” he writes.

“I think this is the only reason that we do hug and touch each other all the time. I think this is the mechanism that keeps oxytocin levels high in relationships,” says Dr. Rene Hurlemann, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany.

Addicted to love, and then withdrawal

“We have evidence that it is the withdrawal from oxytocin after social loss that leads to the depressive side effects, at least based on our studies in monogamous prairie voles,” Dr. Young told MNT.

A giggling nun.

A study of nuns has demonstrated that romantic relationships and sex are not required for good health and long life.

In a paper published in Psychopharmacology in 2012, Dr. Young and James P. Burkett reviewed research on drug addiction alongside research on social attachments. “The psychology of human love and drug addiction share powerful overlaps at virtually every level of the addictive process, from initial encounters to withdrawal,” the authors conclude.

Oxytocin was found to play a modulatory role in many aspects of drug addiction, along with additional roles in the processing of memories and information involved in social attachment.

The association between oxytocin and addiction was explored further last year in research conducted by the University of Adelaide in Australia. The study suggested that poor development of oxytocin during early childhood could explain why some individuals succumb to addictive behavior.

Dr. Young and Burkett state that the overlaps in the psychology of human love and drug addiction suggest that forms of treatment for one domain may be effective in another. “[For] instance, treatments used to reduce drug cravings may be effective in treating grief from the loss of a loved one or a bad breakup,” they write.

These findings suggest that further research into the neurobiological mechanisms of love could reveal ways in which its positive healthful effects could be brought to people that find themselves without it.

Not all doom and gloom for single people

Single people can feel quite downhearted around Valentine’s Day, being surrounded by people experiencing a joy that, at that moment in time, eludes them. Reading about these examples of health benefits for happy and affectionate couples may well contribute toward to this.

It is not all doom and gloom for single people, however. Research has found that having a good network of friends can have many of the same positive effects as being in a relationship.

One study of 1,500 people aged over 70 found that participants who reported having strong friendship groups tended to live longer than people with fewer friends. The authors suggested that this finding could be due to friends having a positive influence on lifestyle choices.

Despite all the health benefits that sex provides, research has also demonstrated that a life of celibacy can also be one that is long and healthy. A longitudinal study of 678 nuns aged 75-107 found many participants maintaining an active lifestyle and demonstrating strong cognitive function well into old age.

So, while there is much to celebrate about being in a relationship around Valentine’s Day, it is by no means the be-all-end-all, especially when looking from a health perspective. Good health and long life can be enjoyed by anyone, no matter what their relationship status is.


Sam Smith and 9 other male celebs on body image

Sam Smith and 9 other male celebs on body image

Presentational white space

Singer Sam Smith has posted a shirtless photo of himself on Instagram, as a way to “reclaim” his body.

While these kinds of posts aren’t an unusual for celebrities on social media, Smith used this moment to open up about his battle with body image, admitting to starving himself for weeks ahead of upcoming photo shoots.

“Some may take this as narcissistic and showing off,” he wrote in his Instagram post, which features some bad language so obviously ask your mum before you click.

“But if you knew how much courage it took to do this and the body trauma I have experienced as a kid you wouldn’t think those things.”

With nearly a million likes, his fans have praised him for “inspiring” them with his “beautiful” message.

In a 2016 survey of more than 1,000 boys aged between eight and 18, 55% said they would consider changing their diet to look better and 23% said they believed there was “a perfect male body to strive for”.

The survey also found that the four biggest sources of pressure on secondary school boys to look good were:

  • Friends (68%)
  • Social media (57%)
  • Advertising (53%)
  • Celebrities (49%)

Despite the relentless pressure that young men can feel from the media, the survey found that more than half of the boys (56%) would find it difficult to talk to a teacher about their confidence and nearly one-third (29%) would find it difficult talking to their parents about it.

Here are eight other male celebrities who have spoken out about body image and are calling on the media to change their attitudes.

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1. Antony Costa

Antony CostaImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

In 2017, Blue singer Antony Costa appeared on Lorraine and opened up about the “fat-shaming” he had experienced on social media.

Costa explained that when he first started out in show business before the dawn of social media, receiving criticisms “was water off a duck’s back” but now, the public are quick to point out flaws in selfies and paparazzi photos which he believes can be harmful.

“Me as a bloke in the business, it’s hard because you’ve got to keep up with the joneses, to be seen to have the six pack,” he said.

“But I’d rather be me and have a good personality then have a six pack”.

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2. Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt at the European Gala screening of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in LondonImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Yes, you read that right! Actor Chris Pratt – who plays the gun-toting, butt-kicking, ripped Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy – has struggled with body image, too.

In a press conference for the film in 2014, he said: “I’m sure I can’t relate to what females go through in Hollywood. I’m sure I can’t.

“But, I do know what it feels like to eat emotionally, and… to be sad and make yourself happy with food.

“And then to be almost immediately sad again and now ashamed and then to try to hide those feelings with more food. I know what that’s like. It’s a vicious cycle and it’s a very real thing.”

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3. James Corden

Host James Corden speaks onstage during the 20th Annual Hollywood Film Awards on November 2016Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

In an interview with Rolling Stone in 2016, talk show host James Corden opened up about how he dealt with his confidence in school.

He explained: “If you’re big at school, you’ve really got two choices. You’re going to be a target. If you go to school and you’re me, you go, ‘Right, I’m just going to make myself a bigger target. My confidence, it will terrify them.’ That’s how I felt in school.”

Corden also touched on his frustrations on the way Hollywood represents larger people.

He said: “I could never understand when I watch romantic comedies. The notion that for some reason unattractive or heavy people don’t fall in love.

“If they do, it’s in some odd, kooky, roundabout way – and it’s not. It’s exactly the same.”

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4. Wentworth Miller

Wentworth MillerImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Prison Break actor Wentworth Miller opened up about his depression after being the subject of an internet meme joke by The Lad Bible in 2016.

Miller wrote in a Facebook post: “In 2010, at the lowest point in my adult life, I was looking everywhere for relief/comfort/distraction. And I turned to food.”

He continued: “It could have been anything. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. But eating became the one thing I could look forward to. Count on to get me through”.

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5. Alex Sharp

Alexander Sharp attends the 2015 Tony Awards at Radio City Music Hall on June 7, 2015 in New York City.Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Alex Sharp starred alongside Lily Collins in Netflix drama To The Bone, which follows a girl’s treatment for anorexia.

When Collins’ character is admitted into a recovery home with six other patients, she meets Luke (played by Sharp), the only male patient in the house.

Talking to Broadway World about portraying a man struggling with an eating disorder, Sharp said: “It happens a lot and I think sometimes – because it is under-discussed and a taboo subject generally – when it is discussed it tends to be more about the female experience, because it is more prevalent, numerically.

“There had never been a representation of that in a feature-length movie. So that was something I was very interested in doing.”

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6. Ashley Hamilton

Actor Ashley Hamilton at the US premiere of Iron Man 3 in 2013Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Iron Man 3 star Ashley Hamilton told People in 2013 that he had suffered from bulimia and anorexia since he was a teenager and that he used drugs and alcohol to control his food addiction.

“I’ve been free from bulimia for years but I still struggle with food, restricting or overeating. That’s been the hardest for me in sobriety,” he admitted.

He continued: “It’s almost like drug addiction is totally acceptable to talk about in Hollywood. But food addiction? Nobody wants to talk about that. It’s really shameful as a man to have that.”

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7. Ed Sheeran

Ed SheeranImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

The chart-topping singer told Planet Radio in a 2014 interview: “I was never really happy with my image and then I realised it was because I was eating fried food and drinking beer every day. You don’t have to kill yourself by getting into shape. Just eat right and don’t drink every day.”

Commenting on body image pressures in the music industry, Sheeran said: “There’s enough fat people in the industry and there’s enough skinny people in the industry and there’s enough ginger people in the industry.

“There’s enough of everyone in the industry, and usually the ones that aren’t attractive are the ones that do the best.”

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8. Matt McGorry

Matt McGorryImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Before starring in Orange is the new Black and How to Get Away With Murder, Matt McGorry used to be a personal trainer and competitive bodybuilder, which actually made him more critical of his body.

When asked what we could do to change the conversation around male body issues he told US TV show Today: “When we lock our boys away from these feelings, not only are they more likely to hurt themselves but they’re also more likely to hurt others and to be the ones who are policing masculinity amongst other men.”

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9. Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson during a photocall at the Cannes Film FestivalImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Despite being nominated as one of the world’s “sexiest men alive” in 2009, Twilight star Robert Pattinson has still admitted to feeling insecure.

In an interview with Australia’s Sunday Style magazine in 2013, the Twilight actor revealed he suffers from body dysmorphia – an anxiety disorder that causes a person to have a distorted view of how they look.

“I don’t have a six-pack and I hate going to the gym. I’ve been like that my whole life. I never want to take my shirt off,” he said.

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Gaming Can Make A Better World

Gaming Can Make A Better World


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