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Counselling Online

What Do We Offer?

Awareness is the first step to understanding. Understanding why you feel what you feel and why you behave as you behave. Awareness can bring you a sense of freedom to change those things you’d like to change and accept the things you cannot. Counselling is a way in which many people can begin to openly and safely explore their inner world. No one can tell us how we’re feeling or what we’re thinking. Counselling offers you a confidential and safe place to talk about how and what is going on for you and how to heal it. With Therapy 121 online counselling, you can begin your journey from the comfort and privacy of your own home, office or safe place at a time that is convenient to you. Connect today and get your first consultation for free.

Do I need To See A Therapist?

You know how easy it is sometimes to notice what’s wrong with other people but not notice your own blind spots? When we are in the middle of trauma, a dysfunctional relationship or a job situation, we don’t see the forest for the trees. Being in therapy with a compassionate, non-judgemental, trained professional can provide a kind of co-created collaboration where you can honestly look at yourself through another’s eyes and see a different perspective. Are you ready for change? If you are looking for a quick fix for the rest of your life, then therapy might not be for you. However, if you are truly ready to change, therapy can offer you support and insight on your journey of self discovery.  Shifts can be painful, so be prepared for hard work.

Myths About Therapy

There are common myths about counselling that we have either seen on TV or in the movies. Just as common, are the cultural messages that stigmatize mental health care. Fortunately, many people are able to get past this. Sadly others struggle, postponing getting the help they really need. Our mission is to offer mental healthcare worldwide, especially to those who find it hardest to reach out.  At Therapy 121, we are hear to listen. You are not alone.



Need A Counsellor? Book Your Free Consultation Today!

We offer help for a variety of issues. To see a full list of what we offer, please click the button below.


Susan Rickaby-Culver

MBACP Counsellor & Life Purpose Coach

Sharon Evans

  MBACP Counsellor

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