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The Power Of Vulnerability

The Power Of Vulnerability

Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.

The 7 Signs of Narcissism & How to Spot Them

The 7 Signs of Narcissism & How to Spot Them


Narcissism has become a mainstream news topic – but reading about it online does little to educate you on how to spot the signs. In this episode, Dr. Ramani provides actionable insight on what narcissistic personality disorder looks like – the 7 signs of narcissism – and what to do when you recognize them. She answers… What are the 7 signs of narcissism? What are some real-life examples of each symptom of narcissistic personality disorder…

In my significant other?

In a co-worker or boss?

In my friend?

What does life look like for a narcissist?

What steps should I take if I think my friend or loved one is showing signs of narcissism?

If you haven’t watched the beginning of this series yet, watch episodes 1-3 HERE: “This is Why Narcissism is the “Secondhand Smoke” of Mental Health: “Narcissistic Personality Disorder vs. Self-Confidence: What You Need to Know”: Are Narcissists Born or Made? Causes of the Disorder & More:

10 Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

10 Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Genomind

As temperatures drop and the days become shorter, you may notice a dip in your mood. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or “winter depression,” is a common mental health problem. In fact, the American Academy of Family Physicians, reports that 4-6 percent of people may have SAD, and another 10-20 percent may have a mild case of SAD.

“SAD can be as debilitating as traditional yearlong anxiety and/or depression,” said clinical psychologist Amanda Rafkin.

SAD often occurs during the winter when lower levels of sunlight may affect the balance of hormones like serotonin and melatonin. Lower levels of these two hormones can negatively impact sleep, mood and overall well-being.

Want to boost your mood during dark winter months? You’re in luck! Here are 10 tips on ways to manage symptoms of SAD.

1. Know the Signs and Symptoms

In order to put a plan of action in place to manage SAD, you need to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of the disorder. Feeling sad or less energized during the winter months are two signs of SAD. Once you realize you are experiencing SAD, you can seek professional help or take measures to help alleviate symptoms.

2. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can ease symptoms of depression, especially during the gloomy winter months.

You don’t have to be training for a marathon to enjoy the benefits of exercise, because any type of exercise activates dopamine and serotonin, the “feel good” chemicals in the brain. These chemicals can help fight symptoms of SAD.

Incorporate moderate physical activity, like walking or biking, for 30 minutes a day to get those neurotransmitters going!

3. Stay Connected

One way to fight SAD is by remaining connected to your loved ones and identifying your support network. Being able to communicate with those around you can help create a positive dialogue about ways to combat symptoms of SAD.

“Research shows that those with a larger support network can make behavioral changes easier,” psychotherapist Aimee Bernsteintells said. “Create an agreement with your support network to spend time together doing fun things, especially during the winter months, that will shift your mood and energize you.”

4. Get Enough Light

Try taking in as much sunlight as possible during the winter months. This can be as easy as opening your blinds during the day or getting outside in the morning. Getting a good amount of natural light during the day can help alleviate symptoms of SAD.

When the body absorbs sunlight, it also absorbs vitamin D, which has a number of health benefits. It may be hard to get enough vitamin D in the winter, so taking a supplement during dark winter months may help your overall mental health.

5. Try Light Therapy

The most effective way to combat SAD is with the help of a light therapy box. The box beams artificial light that mimics natural light. Before trying a light therapy box, make sure to speak with your clinician or therapist to see if this form of therapy is right for you.

“The SAD lamp helps regulate your circadian rhythms that get thrown off by days with shorter periods of light. Try using the box first thing in the morning,” said Rafkin.

Rafkin suggests choosing an early, consistent time to wake up every day to get more hours of daylight during winter.

6. Combat Unhealthy Habits

There are a number of ways to cope with symptoms of SAD, but it can be easy to rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms during winter. Activities like drinking or overeating may feel good in the moment, but can lead to feeling more anxious and depressed later on.

7. Write It Out

No matter the season, having a personal journal can be an effective tool to help combat depression. Depression can cause you to lose sight of the positive aspects of your life, but writing your thoughts and feelings down is a good way to keep those positive things in mind.

Rafkin suggests starting each journal entry with three things you’re grateful for, before writing down your emotions for the day.

8. Meditate

Mediation can have a positive impact on your mood because it boosts serotonin levels. Through meditation, you can calm your mind and move your attention away from anxious or negative thoughts.

9. Take a Vacation

If cold, gloomy winter days are getting you down, plan a vacation to a sunny location! Pack a swimsuit, grab a good read and head to a location where you can get all the natural sunlight you need.

Remember, winter won’t last forever and will eventually give way to sunny summer days where you live.

10. Get Professional Help

If you’re feeling especially blue during the winter, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeking professional help.

“A counselor can be a great source of emotional support and can help you identify healthy coping strategies to get you through the winter months,” Rafkin said.

Treatment for SAD

According to National Institute of Mental Health, there are four main treatments for SAD: medication, light therapy, psychotherapy and vitamin D. Depending on the person, these treatments can be used together or separately to manage symptoms of the disorder.

  • Medication: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are often used to treat SAD. Bupropion, another type of antidepressant, has been approved by the FDA for treating SAD, too.
  • Light Therapy: Since the 1980s, light therapy has been the main treatment for SAD. Light therapy is supposed to replace diminished sunlight during winter with bright, artificial light. To help alleviate symptoms of SAD, it is recommended to sit in front of a light box first thing in the morning on a daily basis.
  • Psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective for people experiencing SAD. CBT for SAD relies on identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Behavioral activation is another technique that may be used, which helps the person identify enjoyable activities to improve coping with winter gloom.
  • Vitamin D: By itself, vitamin D supplementation is not considered an effective SAD treatment. However, people with SAD have been found to have lower levels of vitamin D in their blood, which may be due to insufficient diet or insufficient exposure to sunshine.

Learn more about ways to manage symptoms of SAD here.

Also published on Medium.

Categories: Mental Health News
5 Signs It’s Time to Seek Therapy

5 Signs It’s Time to Seek Therapy

Most people can benefit from therapy at least some point in their lives

David Sack M.D.

Contrary to popular misconception, you don’t have to be “crazy,” desperate or on the brink of a meltdown to go to therapy. At the same time, therapy isn’t usually necessary for every little struggle life throws your way, especially if you have a strong support system of friends and family. So how do you know when it’s time to see a therapist?

Most people can benefit from therapy at least some point in their lives. Sometimes the signs are obvious but at other times, something may feel slightly off and you can’t figure out what it is. So you trudge on, trying to sustain your busy life until it sets in that life has become unmanageable. Before it gets to this point, here are five signs you may need help from a pro:

#1 Feeling sad, angry or otherwise “not yourself.”

Uncontrollable sadness, anger or hopelessness may be signs of a mental health issue that can improve with treatment. If you’re eating or sleepingmore or less than usual, withdrawing from family and friends, or just feeling “off,” talk to someone before serious problems develop that impact your quality of life. If these feelings escalate to the point that you question whether life is worth living or you have thoughts of death or suicide, reach out for help right away.

#2 Abusing drugsalcohol, food or sex to cope.

When you turn outside yourself to a substance or behavior to help you feel better, your coping skills may need some fine-tuning. If you feel unable to control these behaviors or you can’t stop despite negative consequences in your life, you may be struggling with addictive or compulsive behavior that requires treatment.

#3 You’ve lost someone or something important to you.

Grief can be a long and difficult process to endure without the support of an expert. While not everyone needs counseling during these times, there is no shame in needing a little help to get through the loss of a loved one, a divorce or significant breakup, or the loss of a job, especially if you’ve experienced multiple losses in a short period of time.

#4 Something traumatic has happened.

If you have a history of abuse, neglect or other trauma that you haven’t fully dealt with, or if you find yourself the victim of a crime or accident, chronic illness or some other traumatic event, the earlier you talk to someone, the faster you can learn healthy ways to cope.

#5 You can’t do the things you like to do.

Have you stopped doing the activities you ordinarily enjoy? If so, why? Many people find that painful emotions and experiences keep them from getting out, having fun and meeting new people. This is a red flag that something is amiss in your life.

If you decide that therapy is worth a try, it doesn’t mean you’re in for a lifetime of “head shrinking.” In fact, a 2001 study in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that most people feel better within seven to 10 visits. In another study, published in 2006 in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88 percent of therapy-goers reported improvements after just one session.

Although severe mental illness may require more intensive intervention, most people benefit from short-term, goal-oriented therapy to address a specific issue or interpersonal conflict, get out of a rut or make a major life decision. The opportunity to talk uncensored to a nonbiased professional without fear of judgment or repercussions can be life-changing.

You may have great insight into your own patterns and problems. You may even have many of the skills to manage them on your own. Still, there may be times when you need help – and the sooner you get it, the faster you can get back to enjoying life.

Source:  David Sack, M.D., is board certified in psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, and addiction medicine. As CEO of Elements Behavioral Health he oversees addiction treatment programs at Promises Treatment Centers in Malibu and West Los Angeles, The Ranch outside Nashville, a women’s psychiatric treatment program at Malibu Vista, The Recovery Place in Florida, and Texas drug rehab Right Step and Spirit Lodge. You can follow Dr. Sack on Twitter @drdavidsack.

The Science Of Getting Over Heartbreak

The Science Of Getting Over Heartbreak

By Danielle Braff
Chicago Tribune

Love is an addiction that was biologically designed so that we can mate successfully, said Helen Fisher, a senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute, and New York-based author of “Anatomy of Love” who did a study last year linking love to substance abuse.

Unfortunately, like all addictions, a breakup can send you spiraling out of control.

You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you have obsessive thoughts about your ex, and you’ll do anything to get him or her back, even if it means calling too many times or driving past your ex’s house at all hours of the day. And as soon as you get a response, you swing into euphoria — unless the response is negative, which can whip you back into despair.

“One main region of the brain (referred to as the brain’s reward system) is linked with all addictions — gambling, sex and all of the substance addictions: alcohol, nicotine, heroin and the others,” Fisher said. “That same region of the brain is activated when you’re rejected in love. That’s the biology of it.”

But unlike alcohol or gambling, which a fraction of people are addicted to, we’re all predisposed to love addiction, Fisher said.

“It’s a drive, a basic mating drive,” she said. “It evolved to help us rear our children as a team.”

Unfortunately, when this basic mating drive veers off track via an unwanted breakup for one person, it becomes a physical and emotional pain that you’ll have to deal with sans the help of an AA meeting or a rehab clinic.

But science has found ways to help with breakups. There are things you can do to make the pain go away faster, and there are things you might be doing that make your heartbreak worse.

You might find yourself journaling post-breakup, for instance, but while this seems like a therapeutic way to get all those thoughts out, it could make your heartbreak linger if you’re the type to brood or to ruminate.

Researchers at the University of Arizona found that those who looked for meaning in their relationships by writing in their journals made the least progress with their emotions — especially if they tend to seek a deeper meaning in their breakups. That’s because they continued the saga of their failed relationship through their journal, prolonging their suffering instead of moving on, said David Sbarra, psychology professor at the University of Arizona and author of the 2013 study.

If you do feel a need to journal, however, you should just write about your day. Those in the study who did not mention their breakup did well, Sbarra said. It helped them get back into their normal routine without focusing on their losses.

Talking about the breakup with someone other than your ex from a distanced, calm, rational perspective will also speed recovery, said Grace Larson, who authored a 2015 study on the topic.

“It helps you understand who you are outside of the ex-relationship,” Larson said. They end up using fewer “us” words when they spoke about the relationship, and used more “I” and “me” words.

But the talking shouldn’t go on for weeks, Fisher said.

After you’ve said everything you need to say, it’s time to stop mentioning your ex to anyone, she said.

Since love is an addiction, Fisher recommends using the AA method and treating an ex like something that is to be forbidden at all costs.

“Don’t write, don’t call, don’t show up at various places, don’t ask friends what he’s doing, don’t check him out on Facebook,” she said. “If you’re going to get rid of alcohol, don’t keep a bottle on your desk.”

It’ll be painful, but eventually, you’ll get over your ex. In her studies, Fisher said, they looked at the brain scans of people who were rejected mere weeks ago and those who were rejected months ago — and the brain activity declined as the separation increased, despite the memory of the event remaining strong. That means, she said, that the pain will decrease over time, though no one can definitively say how long it takes, as it varies from person to person depending on the length of the relationship and the flexibility of their emotions.

If all else fails, there’s an app to help.

Los Angeles-based Ellen Huerta founded Mend (starts at $4.99) when she was going through a bad breakup.

“I wanted a personal trainer to help me through a breakup,” Huerta said. Failing that, she wanted something or someone by her side every step of the way.

For the first 28 days of the breakup, Mend offers a heartbreak cleanse, which focuses on your body to help with the withdrawal symptoms, Huerta said.

Each day, it will advise you on how to self-soothe, to focus on your breath. In addition, you can check in and write in the app’s journal.

After you get through the first month, you graduate to the next step in Mend, which focuses less on the breakup and more on rebuilding your sense of self and your future.

“We do trainings about being single and dating and having a healthy relationship practice,” said Huerta, who said she managed to get over her heartache while she was developing her app.

And while she won’t reveal the number of subscribers, she said there are Mend users in more than 150 countries.

“Heartbreak is so universal,” Huerta said.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Month

Since 1949, Mental Health America and our affiliates across the country have led the observance of May is Mental Health Month by reaching millions of people through the media, local events and screenings. We welcome other organizations to join us in spreading the word that mental health is something everyone should care about by using the May is Mental Health Month toolkit materials and conducting awareness activities.

May is Mental Health Month 2018

When we talk about health, we can’t just focus on heart health, or liver health, or brain health, and not whole health. You have to see the whole person, and make use of the tools and resources that benefit minds and bodies together. That’s why this year, our May is Mental Health Month theme is Fitness #4Mind4Body. We’ll focus on what we as individuals can do to be fit for our own futures – no matter where we happen to be on our own personal journeys to health and wellness – and, most especially, before Stage 4.

Learn more about:

As part of our efforts this May, we’re asking you to take the #4Mind4Body Challenge and join Mental Health America as we challenge ourselves each day to make small changes – both physically and mentally – to create huge gains for our overall health and wellbeing. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or visit for the challenge of the day and share your progress and successes by posting with #4Mind4Body.

Prepare yourself to make changes for a healthier lifestyle by using our Change is Hard worksheets.

Visit to see what others are doing as part of the challenge!

The Toolkit

In this year’s toolkit, you will find a range of materials, including:

  • Fact sheets on how mental health is affected by diet and nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health, and exercise;
  • Worksheets on making life changes;
  • A promotional poster, sample social media posts with images, and web banners;
  • A sample press release and a drop-In article; and a sample proclamation for public officials to recognize May as Mental Health Month and the work of local mental health advocates.

Fill out the brief online form to gain access to the toolkit.

Interested in learning more about the brain-body connection? Sign up for MHA’s 2018 Annual Conference, Fit for the Future.

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