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Domestic Violence- continued

Physical abuse may include:

• Forbidding you from eating or sleeping
• Trapping you in your home or keeps you from leaving
• Abandoning you in unfamiliar places
• Driving recklessly or dangerously when you are in the car with them
• Pulling your hair, punching, slapping, kicking, biting or choking you
• Damaging your property when they’re angry (throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors, etc.)
• Using weapons to threaten to hurt you, or actually hurting you with weapons
• Preventing you from calling the police or seeking medical attention
• Harming your children
• Forcing you to use drugs or alcohol (especially if you’ve had a substance abuse problem in the past)

How Can Therapy 121 Help?

Counselling can help victims escape their abusers and cope with the devastating effects of the abuse.

When working with domestic violence counselors will often support the victim to feel more in control and give them a chance to voice their, fears, feelings and concerns.

Coaching can support you to stay strong and laser focused to break through unhealthy reoccurring patterns, teaching you to take back your power permanently.

At Therapy 121 we can support you to make clear and logical decisions about your well-being and safety.
Our aim at Therapy 121 is to empower victims of Domestic Violence so that they may overcome the deep wounds of the abuse and become stronger and independent, knowing that a life without abuse is indeed possible.

If you feel you are being abused please reach out for help!

USA – Domestic Violence Resources.

In the USA you can go to:

For a list of international Domestic Violence Agencies and more resource, please go to:
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger please call 911 now.
If you are not in the U.S, please call your local emergency number or your local police number.
Abuse is unacceptable, please reach out for help.


Sad woman crying next to her therapist who is comforting her

Domestic violence

Abuse is a crime! Don’t let them get away with it.stop-order-helfen-verluste-zu-begrenzen.html






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