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Couples Counselling


Relationship on the rocks?

Do you feel you’re not listened to or understood? Are both of you just going round in circles with the same arguments over and over again?

A Relationship is not for sprinters, it is for long distance runners. Like athletes, we have to diligently train, hone down our skills, exercise them every day and that takes commitment, courage and stamina; in short, hard work. If you thought that this relationship thing was going to be easy, you were dead wrong.

Understanding Your Relationship

A relationship goes through numerous phases during its life cycle, and it is obvious for it to have a few rough patches. The strength of a relationship is reflected in how the couples deal with rough patches and move ahead. The lifestyle of the people and the modern day thinking has changed the pattern of thinking of people in respect to relationships. This has turned the statistics for divorce and marriage upside down. While divorce and separation is necessary in many cases, we believe that love should be given a chance and that there are relationships that can be saved, if only the people involved would take that first step and make a commitment to try to do it differently.

Are You Arguing A Lot?

It’s perfectly normal to argue sometimes, that’s simply defining each others personal boundaries, but if your relationship has become a battleground, you may need to stop and rethink. If your relationship is making you both feel miserable, unhappy and disconnected, then maybe it’s time to find someone truly impartial to help you both work things through without destroying the love and foundation that still remains. Maybe it’s time to find out what has changed and work how you can rewind time to the reason you choose each other in the beginning.  Therapy 121 offer you both the opportunity to work with one of our experienced counsellors at a time and place that is convenient to you both, from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Do we need Couples Counselling?

Couples counselling is for couples who feel stuck, want to work it out and feel that they could benefit from dedicated, professional support. No matter what stage you’re at in the relationship, whether you are just starting out or you have been together for years; whether you’re thinking of walking away from one relationship or entering into another; Therapy 121 will help you move forward in a healthier and productive way that works with the right solution for you.

Talk To A Counsellor

Therapy 121 will give you the tools to communicate effectively, manage conflict, look at your issues from different perspectives, increase intimacy, experience joy and laugher.  Teaching “togetherness” in a way that promotes equality, independence, mutual respect, appreciation and sustainable love. We help couples prepare for stable, happy and healthy long-term relationships. We get you back on track when things go wrong.

If your relationship is under strain and you need to talk to someone in confidence, we offer a dedicated Relationship Counselling service. The service we offer is completely impartial and non judgemental; recognising all faiths, cultures, sexual orientations and lifestyles. We do NOT take sides. Our service is completely confidential and it gives everyone involved the opportunity to express their feelings and needs. Some of the areas we work on are:

  • Communication
  • Mutual Respect
  • Always have a Two way street
  • Maintain your Independence
  • Are You Meeting each others Needs?
  • Don’t Lose yourself in someone else.
  • Equal Power
  • Appreciation & Affirmation
  • No Agenda
  • Never Stop Dating!
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