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Stuck In A Job You Hate?


It’s no secret that it’s still a really tough job market out there—both for people who are completely without work and those who have jobs but are certainly not living the dream.

Lets face it, finding the right job is tough.  Never mind the,  Is this a job that I feel passionate about? or is it even remotely close to the job I dreamed of doing when I left school? According to the latest unemployment data, there are millions of people are out of work in the U.S. and the UK alone and some of you, simply have to suck it up , It’s a job that puts bread on the table……. Or do you?

At Therapy 121 our team of  professional Career Coaches have successfully worked with hundreds of clients.  We will look at our passions, your unique gifts and talents, your life values and financial commitments to coach you through a unique and tailor made program to get you firmly focused and on track.

The Therapy-121 team know the art and science of career coaching.  We can help young school and college graduates to fully prepare for taking the first step into the work place successfully. We can support you to make those hard earned qualifications really count and enter the job arena professionally equipped to compete against those millions of fellow job-seekers.

What exactly is career coaching?

In my work, my goal is to support you in making informed decisions about your career development and trajectory, as well as offer you various tools that you can use—résumés, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles—to meet your goals.

What are the most common misconceptions about career coaching?

That a well-done résumé is all you need to conduct an effective job search—and that career coaches will actually find you a job. There’s also the popular notion that you only have to attend a single career-coaching session … and your job challenges will be resolved. It actually takes about eight to 10 hours of coaching for the typical client to begin internalizing the key benefits.

What can I expect to get from working with a career coach?

You can reasonably expect to gain career confidence, insight, encouragement and inspiration. You should also feel as if the coaching relationship grants you some permission to relax a bit.  Job searching can create a lot of anxiety, fear and vulnerability and it’s important to address these emotions so you can better understand how these factors may be keeping you stuck in your current position.

Stuck In a Job You Hate? Need A Career Coach?  Book a consultation Today!

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