Abuse Is Genderless!
Abuse Is Culture-less!
Abuse Is Silent!
Take Back Your Power!
Stop Suffering! If you are the victim of abuse Contact one of our Counsellors For 1hr FREE session!
Are you or someone you know a victim of Domestic Violence? If So, please read on, we have specialists here to help and support you.
What Is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence is a serious crime which is unacceptable.
It can be dangerous. It can leave both physical and emotional scars. It is also not unheard of for abusers to murder their partners in fits of rage.
It can happen to couples who are married, living together or who are dating.
If you are mentally, physically, sexually assaulted, by a person you are living with or intimately involved with, you are a victim of domestic abuse.
Abuse can be verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, or financial.
Many of these different forms of abuse can be going on at any one time.
Abuse can happen to us all, regardless of gender, race, age, occupation, sexual orientation, culture or religion.
What does being in an abusive relationship look like?
Does your partner ever:
- Belittle you and put you down?
- Embarrass you in front of others?
- Look at you in ways that scares you?
- Hit you, push you around, grab you, choke you or slap you?
- Intimidate you with guns, knives or other weapons?
- Destroy your property or threaten to kill your pets?
- Attempt to force you to drop criminal charges?
- Stop you from seeing family members or friends?
- Stop you from pursuing your interests and hobbies?
- Prevent you from working, achieving a career or studying?
- Control the money in the relationship? Asks you for money or refuses to give you money?
- Makes all decision and feels domineering?
- Tell you that you are a bad parent and threaten you to take away your children?
- Dominates conversations with little regards to how you are feeling or what your opinion may be?
- Make you feel like your voice or ideas never count?
- Threaten to commit suicide, or threaten to kill you?
If you answered ‘yes’ to even one of these questions, you may be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship. If anything you read raises a red flag about your own relationship or that of someone you know, please reach out for help.
Abuse is a repetitive pattern of behaviors to maintain power and control over an intimate partner. These are behaviors that are physically harmful and prevent a partner from doing what they wish to do, making them feel worthless and keeping them in fear.
The Power & Control Wheel describes what occurs in an abusive relationship.
We use the wheel as a diagram of the tactics the abuser uses to keep you in the relationship. While the inside of the wheel is comprised of subtle, continual behaviors, the outer ring represents physical, visible violence. See Diagram READ MORE >>
Abuse is a crime! Don’t let them get away with it.
If you think you are a victim of abuse, please contact us TODAY for a 1 Hour FREE & Strictly Confidential Session. You are NOT alone!
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